Game of Pokemon: Episode 2


Game of Pokemon: Episode 2

The Reign of King Mewtwo

OK so I somehow was resurected from the dead when my T.V started leaking hyper-realistic blood and cum and when that skeleton popped out and raped me. I decided to go to a Garage Sale. I found a dvd that said "Game of Pokemon Episodes". 
"That's strange", I thought, "since when did they make a whole series?" I asked the old man how much it was...and he said it was free. I went home and curiously watched Episode 2 of Game of Pokemon.
It started with the weird Game of Pokemon opening like before. The episode started with a shot of the Iron Throne and King Joffrey (with Jame's from Team Rockets) head. Then a knife came in from behind and slit his throat. The figure stepped out of the was Mewtwo.
"I am now King of the Seven Kingdoms the Kanto region!" said Mewtwo.
It cut to a scene were Daenerys had her dragons...but they were Charizards instead. Also Daenerys had Nurse Joy's head. A battle then happened with the charizards and a crap-ton of Zubats. The charizards were just burning theme all up and hyper-realistic blood and charred flesh went everywhere. Then King Mewtwo came out and used psychic on them, but Ash stark came in with a sword and cut his head off. Hyper-realistic mewtwo blood leaked out and there was blood everywhere! Mewtwo fell to the floor dead. The episode ended with a graphic sex scene between Ash stark and Daenerys Nurse Joy. Hper realistic cum squirted everywhere and she sucked his dick and it was hyper-realistic. My T.V then proceeded to leak hyper-realistic blood and cum and then that same skeleton popped out and raped me to death. YOU'RE NEXT!